Hofmann’s Daybreak
presents a happy cave shape, a furnace tunneling away from the viewer
while hovering on the surface. A pink cloud, the barest wash overtakes
the stalwart red. The innocent yellow leads us in and out of inception.
Painting is an opportunity to be put on the spot, to start something
and work it out. Hofmann’s paintings are events.
The poet said that you don’t make a poem of thoughts, you
make it with words put on like paint on a painting. Hofmann could
put it on. His color is luscious, symphonic and pulsing. Jeweled
is happily lathered. Towers of pinks, reds, fuchsias, some hopeful
browns and moody purples rest in a yellow net. For Hofmann, what
was important in painting was the search, the adventure. This daring
piece is humorous and sad. It creates echoes and overtones.
Hofman’s paintings dance. It’s the dance of the self:
all thought, feeling, desire, touch. In The
Chair ,
kite shapes and jostling pie shapes move about in space. The varied
yellows and ochres bump into the mischievous reds and set a raucous
rhythm going: ability and possibility.
