I've been thinking about Conrad and Teegarden. We had some fine
times together. I stayed with them on their lavish estate between
my travels. They always dressed in custom-made sweaters built for
two. Teegarden had inherited nearly a billion dollars. That buys
a lot of kookiness.
Their parties were lengendary. Entertainment of all manner and
form: Mongolian remote viewing masters, juggling cross-dressers,
a thousand and one unusual acts. Each soiree had a theme. There
were always rock stars, models, actors, artists and media mogols
milling about.
One night---nude---was a scream. They actually---right---in plain
sight---the lawn. I was completely----. Then Conrad and Teegarden-----under
the---believe that? Then everybody----unison---oh god. Have
you---strange person---to you? The instructor---large Ukranian woman---gigantic---.
When she---jumping jacks---earth---orbit. And when she---I think---died---don't
question benefits---vigorous exercise---any longer. |